Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

Greenland Games Book ist OUT!

Somewhere on the green fields of Europe and America…

The 21th century is running at full speed development, the natural resources are exhausted, new and old technologies are implemented in a chaotic order to increase production.  A corporations use its unlimited resources to control the markets without having in consideration the unpredictable consequences of their irresponsible activities. Profits are made in detriment of natural resources and billions of humans around the world.

In the insects Micro-world Bugsbee (a bee) and Genie (a butterfly) fight for their survival in a controversial environment full of adversities, they hardly could understand.
In a fantastic playful story of recognition and love they discover that there is something around them that could harm the existence of their species and with them also humanity. With common sense, they battle together against adversities and find a better world.

Two journalist in the modern Macro-world, Living in New York denounced the reality of  the dangers produced in the environment, portrayed by a dysfunctional corporation. Sharing feelings for each other, the journalist put their life in the front line in a adventure around the world to unveil the truth. An environmental catastrophe it’s unfolded. The  genetic and chemical corporation influenced by a criminal mind interact with a international network of corruption. Justice turn up around the corner and the two journalist use their dynamic life to show the world the reality behind the corporative green world.

 An inspiring  environmental action conspiracy that brings to life the palpable reality behind mismanaged human activities of our actual world.

 You can download the first four chapters for free under:   
or Order your KINDLE e-book under this adress:                             Copy+ Paste on your browser.

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Enjoy the trip into the adventure Greenland Games!

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