Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

Bee picking up the pollen of the fruits you eat!


Why are the honey bees dying? Vanishing bees will create food shortages. No bees or lack of bees to pollinate  the fruits and vegetables? This is already happening today. 

Watch the Video! the link is on this page below! Pass on these  infos they are important!

People begin to pay attention. The reasons why bees are disappearing are variable and significantly important:

1) Electromagtic waves from your mobile phone. Gigahertz do not exist in nature, are man-made waves. Only Hertz are used by dolphins and bats.The waves disturb the navigation path of the insects, they get lost, weaken and then die.

SOLUTION : Protest and ask for research studies. Implement government laws to control mobile networks and touch research. Give fines and closures of business when proofs turn up.

2) Pesticides from petrochemical companies and farmers. damage the the immune system of insects, they weaken and die.

SOLUTION: Ban pesticides worlwide, implement Bio-Crops

3) Your shampo and detergents at home contaminate the water supply. The bees get it from water over and under the flowers, absorved in the nectar, acid rain on flowers, sicken, weaken and die.

SOLUTION: Use natural soaps.  Reduce the amount of detergents you use for washing. Or simply wash less your clothing. If you did not perspire much that day, then hang up your shirt etc., and the UV rays and pure air will do for the cleaning away the odours just in 2 to 3 hours. Use it again another time.

4) Natural viruses are attacking the bees in their hives. This happens, because 1.1) Natural selection, 2.1) Honey bee producers give white sugar with water to feed the bees. They get weak, because the bees do not get the necesary minerals to be healthy, this they only get from natural nectar. 3.1) Mixing species from one continent to another. Exports. 4.1) Bees are dying, because their inmune system is weakened from receiving high contamination dosis from pesticides and chemicals in water and acid rain.

SOLUTION: Bee producers should not give any white sugar to bees. White sugar is 100% full of toxines. Do not give them anything, just let them pick the nectar from natural flowers.
Stop exports of insects that  are not natural residents. Create new laws and strong regulations!
Regulations need to be enjoined on chemical companies. Test monthly operations and water quality.

I have done this list after informing myself of what its happening around the world. As a result I have written a book, in which I expose what is happening in form of a novel. The book has been published on 08.06.2012.  Adrian Schafer

Watch this's quite informative, and take it seriously. The solution of human problems begins at home!

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