Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012

Dissapearance of bees is increasing WORLD WIDE

The dissapearance of the bees in World scale its taking its toll. Dramatic reports around the planet, shows that this events are happening in a constant path. IN US, Europe, Australia or even in China, there are not exceptions to this regretable situation. We humans are not paying attention to the signals of mother nature. We are too busy in our lives to look around. How long ago was the last time you stop in front of a flower field or a small garden to watch this insects flying around.

Gues what, do it tomorrow, and if you can count more than ten bees in that garden, consider your self afortunate, because at this speed we will not see them anymore....

Please stop using any form of pesticides or chemicals now; You agriculture workers, House wifes, Families, Gardeners. Every body on this planet , please! Do not use, chemicals or pesticides. They are killing the bees in world scale and also a wide variety of pollinators.

If the bees disapear, with them we will lose more than 100 form of plants that are been polinized by this insects and others.

Here there its a list, read it please.   Once BEES are gone, WE HUMAN ARE NEXT! Do  something about it! Inform others. We must all do our little bit! Thanks. Ad


Dienstag, 28. August 2012

The Dissapearance of Bees ARTE TV CHANNEL

New probes are  turning up.  Today at 8.15 hour is been spoken what is happening to be bees worldwide. Check it out!  by ARTE TV CHANNEL, European central time.

In Germany...Program its called.

The American scientific comunity attributes this to a  specific chemical, a type of pesticide best known as neonicotinoids. They are produced mostly in Germany by the popular pharmaceutical Company Bayer. Neotics are widely used for growing crops such as Corn, Wheat and Soy, as well as being  used as fertilizers for household plants.

The consequences are disastrous for the environment, bees are dying by poisoning trought the use of these pesticides. They get poisoned in contact with the polen, with the nectar and even with aquafiers. What is tottaly new is that the plants with the heating of the sun, also sweat the poison though out the leaves, and the bees drink from it.

The concentrations are higher than 75% allowance. This inmense experiment is taking still place in the fields of Corn and Sunflowers Worldwide. Its time for action and avoid the dissapearance of bees from our planet!

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

Greenland Games Book ist OUT!

Somewhere on the green fields of Europe and America…

The 21th century is running at full speed development, the natural resources are exhausted, new and old technologies are implemented in a chaotic order to increase production.  A corporations use its unlimited resources to control the markets without having in consideration the unpredictable consequences of their irresponsible activities. Profits are made in detriment of natural resources and billions of humans around the world.

In the insects Micro-world Bugsbee (a bee) and Genie (a butterfly) fight for their survival in a controversial environment full of adversities, they hardly could understand.
In a fantastic playful story of recognition and love they discover that there is something around them that could harm the existence of their species and with them also humanity. With common sense, they battle together against adversities and find a better world.

Two journalist in the modern Macro-world, Living in New York denounced the reality of  the dangers produced in the environment, portrayed by a dysfunctional corporation. Sharing feelings for each other, the journalist put their life in the front line in a adventure around the world to unveil the truth. An environmental catastrophe it’s unfolded. The  genetic and chemical corporation influenced by a criminal mind interact with a international network of corruption. Justice turn up around the corner and the two journalist use their dynamic life to show the world the reality behind the corporative green world.

 An inspiring  environmental action conspiracy that brings to life the palpable reality behind mismanaged human activities of our actual world.

 You can download the first four chapters for free under:   
or Order your KINDLE e-book under this adress:                             Copy+ Paste on your browser.

For IPHONE users there is an App for Kindle Books

Enjoy the trip into the adventure Greenland Games!

Direct email me:                          

Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012



We see our civilization degenerate and the young generation hesitate and guess what is next. There is little time to think why brilliant people with incredible intelligence and experience could foresee an environmental crisis or maybe a catastrophe with immeasurable consequences for humans and nothing seems to be done about it.

We are only beginning to realize or notice.  Here is a quote for you from Albert Einstein. The original appears to have undergone a few variations. But here it is,  from the year 1994, one year before his death in 1995. 

"If the bees disappear from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more more more man."

In another important statement by British beekeepers it is estimated that 85% of Europe's wildflowers are pollinated by bees, and the death of flowers for lack of pollination could have a major impact on wildlife.  It's an umpredictable chain reaction waiting to explode.

What are we doing to stop this incredible madness? Nothing.


1) When you switch Off your mobile while you are travelling and put it On again when you have the time to call back that person. When you walk in nature away from the city, switch off your gadget and enjoy nature.

2) Don't buy any chemicals or pesticides for home or for your farm crops. You might save a few of those bees. Let's make a beginning! The change begins with each of us before it's too late. Your comments?

Samstag, 9. Juni 2012

Bees debate about Dissapearance hit two Countries US and Germany

The Great national debate in US and GERMANY.

Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2012

Bee picking up the pollen of the fruits you eat!


Why are the honey bees dying? Vanishing bees will create food shortages. No bees or lack of bees to pollinate  the fruits and vegetables? This is already happening today. 

Watch the Video! the link is on this page below! Pass on these  infos they are important!

People begin to pay attention. The reasons why bees are disappearing are variable and significantly important:

1) Electromagtic waves from your mobile phone. Gigahertz do not exist in nature, are man-made waves. Only Hertz are used by dolphins and bats.The waves disturb the navigation path of the insects, they get lost, weaken and then die.

SOLUTION : Protest and ask for research studies. Implement government laws to control mobile networks and touch research. Give fines and closures of business when proofs turn up.

2) Pesticides from petrochemical companies and farmers. damage the the immune system of insects, they weaken and die.

SOLUTION: Ban pesticides worlwide, implement Bio-Crops

3) Your shampo and detergents at home contaminate the water supply. The bees get it from water over and under the flowers, absorved in the nectar, acid rain on flowers, sicken, weaken and die.

SOLUTION: Use natural soaps.  Reduce the amount of detergents you use for washing. Or simply wash less your clothing. If you did not perspire much that day, then hang up your shirt etc., and the UV rays and pure air will do for the cleaning away the odours just in 2 to 3 hours. Use it again another time.

4) Natural viruses are attacking the bees in their hives. This happens, because 1.1) Natural selection, 2.1) Honey bee producers give white sugar with water to feed the bees. They get weak, because the bees do not get the necesary minerals to be healthy, this they only get from natural nectar. 3.1) Mixing species from one continent to another. Exports. 4.1) Bees are dying, because their inmune system is weakened from receiving high contamination dosis from pesticides and chemicals in water and acid rain.

SOLUTION: Bee producers should not give any white sugar to bees. White sugar is 100% full of toxines. Do not give them anything, just let them pick the nectar from natural flowers.
Stop exports of insects that  are not natural residents. Create new laws and strong regulations!
Regulations need to be enjoined on chemical companies. Test monthly operations and water quality.

I have done this list after informing myself of what its happening around the world. As a result I have written a book, in which I expose what is happening in form of a novel. The book has been published on 08.06.2012.  Adrian Schafer

Watch this's quite informative, and take it seriously. The solution of human problems begins at home!


I am taking today the bridge day in Germany to write about something very important.
The existance of the bees in Europe and how they are getting listed as endangered species in Europe today. This is nothing really new, but conditions are worsening!

Every day..Keep your mobiles switched off and call people back once you sit down! or you get back home! It's quite easy to emit less radiation from your mobile phone.

To blame are mobile phones and the extensive use of pesticides..any feed back from other countries in Europe?  Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Greece, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norgway.  Any news from US and Canada, India, Brasil, China?

I recently read an article from the University of Ulm in Germany, confirming the mobiles phones theory, electromagnetic fields damage receptors of navigation of bees. In a few words they don't get back home..they die! Thanks for your feedback! and pay attention to my tips above!


Bees' disappearance is a real threat to human food resources. Folks, get campaigning for bioproduction and the ban on the use of pesticides.This will be a great beginning. What do you think? With mobile phones...I personally use one too...but they are really bad news..and they are for real!  Let's question the mobile producers about their research studies! Is that not fair enough? Not only for us, but for all species on earth? We need real anwers and what seems a very speedy process of destruction of nature.

Its important to say here...that bees do the pollination of about 90% species of plants we eat...The list is huge..I just mention here a few of them :

Tomates, onions,cashews, apple, cotton, pumpkins, strawberries,pepper, papayas, my favorite fruits..tangerines...etc You find the complete list here:

Please post your comments or discoveries around the planet here..we have to do something about it! Put action to it!  Send me your report...If I have enough reports, I will send them to the investigation centers around the globe. Of course you have to say exactly where you saw what! Country, Location, hour, your full name. So information is usefull Geographical coordinates will be fantastic,but you need a GPS.   Leave your comments about your observations here! Thanks!