The Great national debate in US and GERMANY.
The mystery of the disappearing bees - can it be solved?
One of the main threats to the food chain are the pesticides. Now after millions of dollars spent on research, years of battling to find the truth, something quite interesting has come up in the headlines.The American scientific comunity attributes this to a specific chemical, a type of pesticide best known as neonicotinoids. They are produced mostly in Germany by the popular pharmaceutical Company Bayer. Neotics are widely used for growing crops such as Corn, Wheat and Soy, as well as being used as fertilizers for household plants.
It is worth mentioning that Soybean alone is eating up our planet. The main reason is the cow meat you eat at home. These animals are fed worlwide using soybeans, but should'nt they be eating just grass? Guess what? The corporations chop down millions of acres of trees in the jungle of Brasil in order to plant soybeans there instead, so you can enjoy eating this spectacular dish and in the course lose the lungs of the planet. In reality MEAT consist of 70% toxines and 30% proteins. So you get more damage to your body than the actual benefits of the proteins you store. Keep eating cow's meat and destroy the planet! If you live in the mountains and have a few cows for yourself and your family, that's fine, because they eat grass, no soybeans!It's natural! Of course this is fine for people who live in those environments. But not for mass-produced meat for the world's capitals.
Well, let's go back to the DEBATE of NATIONS, The crux of the problem is this: The scientific research done in US shows that neonics are absorbed by the plants’ vascular
system and contaminates the pollen and nectar that bees pick on
their rounds. Result: the bees die. I believe this 100% just by common logic; and I truly believe that the American scientific commnunity is generally quite transparent, even though corporations are trying constantly to buy them for good money.
The fact is the Americans knew about the threat of this chemical, but they never stopped its production or import. Great contribution! Money..Money!. The organization involved is U.S. Department of Agriculture.USDA.
The funny bit or fact is that GERMANY is the main producer of this devastating chemical. Does anyone know the two chemical Corporations in US called Monsanto and Dupont? At this stage I don't have any official numbers, but here are a few names of pick ups in internet of the producers of this evil substance, that could actually wipe out human food resources on a worldwide scale. Here are their names:
Bayer, Aventis, Takeda, and Mitsui and Syngenta based also in Europe, Switzerland. These two giants, Bayer and Syngenta, have met in court to fight for patent rights of this evil substance.
There is in US a chemical that the Americans never mention in their article, which cause enormous problems in India, Canada, US and around the planet. These are carcinogens and has been implicated in reproductive, developmental and immune system disorders(cancer), illnesess in cows?, etc, etc,etc.
The chemical from Monsanto called (Roundup) a US patent!..a real roundup mess! is based on other chemicals called Dioxines. What they do?: Dioxins are endocrine and immune system disruptors, cause congenital birth defects, reproductive and developmental problems, and increase the incidence of cancer, heart disease and diabetes in laboratory animals. PCBs. They also affect the bees, so they could also die.
We are here now pointing fingers under the table who does what? They both are guilty on a big world scale. No disussion about it. The question is:Is there any political force to bring about changes? Not many.
SOLUTION: Stop! You at home, mammies, nannies, girls and the men also involved in garden jobs. Check the labels of these herbecides or fertilizers you buy for your plants at home. Look for PCBs. Polychlorinated Biphenyls. or Neonicotinoids. If any words contain..clor...or Chlor...or imidacloprid , please just dont buy it.
Nations must have really clean character people in governments to clean up the corruption mess and very stringnet laws and regulations to put behind bars white collar criminals.
Here your link to Reuters Article and Monsanto story in PDF
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People on earth watch out the events taking place around us. We need to protest, and raise our voices for changes to take place in society. The bees are essential for human sustainability.Ad